Chakras (boundless energy centers)

There are seven major chakras (boundless energy centers) in our body. There are also a number of minor chakras, but these seven are the major ones that are responsible for our physical and mental well-being. These seven major chakras deeply influence our physical, emotional and mental activities. They have great power. They are energy centers and if they are kept in a cleansed and energized condition, they can cause us to live an ecstatic and healthy life.

Dis-ease is only an imbalance in any one of these chakras, because our body and mind are rooted in our inner consciousness. Keeping these chakras in a healthy state, we can see a transformation happening in us at the mental and physical levels.

Let me tell you a small story:

After World War I, a biplane was abandoned near a remote tribal settlement in Asia. The tribal people had never seen an aircraft in all their lives. There was a lot of excitement and commotion about it and a big crowd gathered around it. They wondered what it might be and each one started giving some suggestion about it. They finally concluded that since it had wheels, it must be a bullock cart! News spread in the village about the new bullock cart. There was a lot of celebration in the village and the biplane was taken around the settlement yoked to bullocks, and it served as a bullock cart.

Some weeks later, a young tribal boy who had returned from the city where he was studying, saw the biplane. He got into it and looked around. He saw all the gears and mechanisms in it. He fiddled with the switches and levers. Suddenly, the engine came to life! He managed to taxi the plane on the ground for a short distance and the villagers were shocked at what they saw. The boy had seen tractors being used and declared to the people that the biplane was not a bullock cart but some kind of tractor.

There was great celebration once again and the biplane started being used as a tractor!

Six months passed by and a retired army officer came to the village. He saw the biplane being used as a tractor and was shocked! He told the villagers that it was not a tractor and that the plane could actually fly.

They refused to believe him because the only things they had ever seen flying were birds! The army officer got into the aircraft, flew it for a short while and landed.

The villagers were wonderstruck. Then they understood its true potential.

Understand: man is a wonderful mechanism meant to fly. But we don’t know our true potentiality. We have a very limited view of ourselves. Most of us operate only as a bullock cart, at the instinct level, surrendering to our emotions.

When we associate ourselves with mostly external things like a home, a car, a profession, and other basic things, we use our bodies as a bullock cart. We just operate at the instinct level and remain with an over-loaded unconscious mind.

When we additionally move into art, creativity, philosophy and such things involving not just the mind but the heart also, we use our bodies as a tractor. We will find a certain fulfillment in ourselves. A poet who has given birth to a poem will be happier than a woman who has given birth to a child. In the case of the latter, the womb is centered in the stomach whereas in the former it is centered in the heart, and so the fulfillment. These people will be able to operate at the intellectual level.

Finally, the man who enters into spirituality and develops a thirst for true knowledge and realizes that he is the ultimate existential energy in physical form, uses his body as an aircraft! Enlightened masters use their bodies as an aircraft. They are so ecstatic all the time. They rise beyond all the miseries of the bullock cart and tractor and just fly! They operate at the intuitive level.

What should we do to become an aircraft? What was the difference between the villagers and the army officer? The aircraft remained the same. Nothing was added to it or removed from it. No physical changes were made in it. Then what was the difference?

Knowledge. The knowledge of the mechanism of the aircraft. The villagers did not know that the device had such a mechanism that could be operated in a way that it could fly, whereas the army officer knew about it, that’s all. The technique with which they handled the aircraft made it first a bullock cart, then a tractor and then finally an aircraft.

Just like this, there are mechanisms or gears inside us, called the chakras, which are boundless energy centers. Each of them is associated with a particular emotion within us. If we understand how to handle the emotion properly, we can function as an aircraft.

When we understand the science behind some of our basic emotions, we can become aware of our present deep unconscious state. Then we can free ourselves from the load of the unconscious and start moving to the higher dimensions of our being.

I am afraid of enlightenment.

Beloved Master,

I know that the question that I am going to ask is foolish, but it has been lingering within me for some time now.

I am afraid of enlightenment.

What comes after enlightenment? What do we do after the goal of life is finally reached? What am I aiming for? As of now, I just feel like I am falling into an endless pit. I literally feel like I am falling with no bottom, with no goal at all.

What exactly am I aiming for? What is beyond the goal?

This is a nice question!

See: it is not just you who is scared of enlightenment; the whole of humanity is. Why else do you think that so few people have attained?

And these few people who have attained have been spreading this message to the world. They have been preaching about this bliss for thousands and thousands of years. But what do we do? We simply ignore them! We have been ignoring their messages for so long. Humanity has simply not paid any attention to their message. And your question comes from the deeper core of humanity.

It is not only that you alone are afraid, but all of humanity is; everyone is afraid of enlightenment. It is very obvious why. It is because we are all scared of losing ourselves. And this is what enlightenment is, just losing yourself.

This is the same reason why we are all scared of love. This is the reason why we are scared to trust. It is all for the same reason; we will lose ourselves. But this doesn’t happen while we are in depression, while we are in anxiety. At this time, we have complete control over ourselves. At this time, we will not be lost. Do you understand? The more difficult your life is, the more you feel yourself. The more comfortable you are.

Just look at the kids, how beautiful they are! Why do you think they are like this? It is for the simple reason that they lose themselves. They are just lost in their joy.

Have you seen children whirling? They practically lose themselves in their own bliss. They offer themselves to Existence. It is such a small activity, whirling, but they do it totally. That is the beautiful thing.

But you fellows – what do you do when you see them whirl? You get uncomfortable and shout to them to keep quiet, to simply sit. ‘You will fall. Sit down!’ you say.

Actually, you want to make them buffalos just like you! And when they finally do become buffalos, you feel that you have done your job! You feel that they have become mature! Nonsense!

You have become so fully suppressed that you feel uncomfortable when someone else is expressing themselves. That is the truth.

It is your very nature to lose yourself. It is your birthright. The only way to find your ‘Self’ is to lose your ‘self’.

But you are afraid of what might happen next. On one hand, you want whatever is being offered to you. On the other hand, you are afraid.

It is like this: you are stuck in a prison. You are trying all possible ways to get out, but the bars are too strong; the prison simply does not want you to leave. And understand: you are the bars; you do not want yourself to leave. You are the prison. This is why you are afraid to get out of it. You yourself have created this prison and at the same time, you want to escape.

Just imagine: you are afraid of the same thing for which you have a deep longing! And not only this; you start consoling yourself by saying, ‘This is where I belong.’ Just see the game that your mind is playing on you!

So it is like you have simply become accustomed to suffering. Although it may be painful, it is familiar to you; it is nice and cozy. Actually, the only reason why you are not able to live in a peaceful way is that you are afraid to come out of your cozy environment. The idea of coming out creates a sort of insecurity within you because you are not familiar with the free feeling at all. Just imagine: you are not familiar with being peaceful!

But there is one thing that you are very clear about: you know that there is something beyond your personality. Then why are you watching on the sidelines? All that is needed is to take the plunge into the mainstream, that’s all! Don’t think before you jump because if you think first, you will never jump! Your thinking takes the very juice out of what has to be done. The moment you think, the juice in it is lost.

Again and again I am telling you that before you do anything, you must lose yourself. Again I am telling you: you must lose yourself to find yourself.

A small story:

A disciple asked his master, ‘What is enlightenment?’

‘It is right before your eyes,’ the master replied.

‘Then why can’t I see it?’ the disciple asked.

‘Because of your ‘I,’ the master said.

‘If I don’t have this idea of ‘I’, will I reach It?’ asked the disciple.

‘If there is no ‘I’, who wants to reach enlightenment?’ the master asked.

Do you understand? First lose yourself before worrying about enlightenment. Only when you have lost yourself will enlightenment dawn on you. Enlightenment is all about losing yourself.

It is all about becoming Nothing. How can you become nothing when you are still something?

I am reminded of something that happened while I was speaking in a college.

During the questions and answers session, one girl raised her hand and asked, ‘What is the difference between you and me? Why should you sit on the throne and all of us here on the floor?’

I just smiled at her and said, ‘You are right. There is no difference between you and me. It is just that you are something, and I am Nothing.’

This is what I mean when I say ‘lose yourself’.

Don’t bother about what will happen next. Only when you worry about the next step, the step will never be taken.

Just jump!

Nothing more is needed!


The only way out is in

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Beloved Master, I have been meditating for a few years now and since I have started I am able to see tremendous changes in my life. Changes have been happening by themselves, without my trying, or doing anything. I feel as if something wants to express itself and that I should allow it. Am I waiting for something to grow strong enough, or am I just lazy?

Yes, experiences will happen with meditation. You may find a deep change within yourself since you have started your spiritual journey. But this is where you start missing as well: you go on asking for more. You are not just allowing it to flow in its own course. Life is a river: flow with it. But our problem is that we always flow against life’s currents.

A small story:
There was a couple travelling with a group in the wilderness. They came across a rapidly flowing river. The wife thought it was beautiful. She went close to it and fell in.

The husband immediately jumped in and tried searching for her, but was unable to find her. He then started swimming against the current hoping to find her.

One of the members called out to him, ‘Why are you swimming in the wrong direction? The river’s currents would have carried her away. Why are you swimming against its current?’

The man helplessly replied, ‘Yes, but I know her. She would have gone upstream only!’

This is exactly what we are doing every minute of our lives. Life is nothing but a river. It is continuously trying to carry you away. But what do you do? You swim against its current instead of flowing with it. There is a popular saying, ‘Go with the flow’. It means nothing but this.

Now you will ask, ‘How to flow with life?’ Simply allow life to happen; that’s all! Do not think about the future. Do not think about the past. The present should be the only thing for you. Just be in the present moment.

Allow your experiences to happen by themselves. Do not think about not having a particular experience. Do not worry about you not doing anything to help your experience happen. All this is nonsense! How can you help Existence give you an experience? You cannot do anything better than what Existence is already doing. Just offer yourself to the river; offer yourself to Existence. Allow Existence to do what it pleases with you.

One more thing: laziness and relaxation have been misunderstood; especially for these workaholics. When you sit under an umbrella on the beach and worry, you call it a vacation!

When you are in the office, you worry about the house. When you are in the house, you worry about when the next vacation should be. And then when your so-called vacation finally comes, you sit and worry about the office again! And this is happening all the time in our lives. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are continuously worrying.

So, as I was saying, laziness and relaxation have been misunderstood by people who simply don’t know how to relax. Be clear: what you are feeling is not laziness at all. Laziness is only for those workaholics who don’t know how to simply sit.

There is a Zen practice where you are meant to simply sit. You are just meant to sit with yourself and move into a deep relaxation. It is called Zazen – simply sitting.

Relaxation is to be at complete ease with yourself. It is to be unaffected by whatever happens outside of you. Actually, it is to be totally centered within yourself.

You say, ‘Changes have been happening by themselves, without my trying, or doing anything. I feel as if something wants to express itself and that I should allow it. Am I waiting for something to grow strong enough, or am I jus

This shows that your mind is worried about what is happening. If your experiences grow, the mind will lose control. This is why it is going on questioning what is happening to you. The mind is always afraid of losing control.

You see: meditation is a deep waiting for the unknown, for the unpredictable. The more you wait the more purity there is and the more grace comes out of it. There should be no hurry, no expectation of what is to come.

Just wait and let what has to happen, happen. Let Existence decide what has to be done. Wait and let things happen to you; don’t get involved!

Just wait for tomorrow, but be sure not to lose the spirit of today. Be sure that in your waiting for tomorrow, you don’t lose today. Just wait. Every day holds something new.

Existence is extremely compassionate; it wants to share its beauty with all of us, but only gives to those who don’t demand. Just wait with deep trust. Then all that Existence has to offer will be given to you.

Asking always leads to frustration. Only when you ask nothing of Existence, will it give you everything that it has. Just put your asking and questioning mind aside.

That is why there is a board outside the hall. Did you see it? It says, ‘Keep your mind and footwear outside’. And this is a statement that should be followed.

Simply leave your mind outside.

Do this much; your desires will automatically drop.

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Beloved Master, Your discourse this morning was just amazing! You have such a vast context. Can You please speak about Your role in this place? Was it Your choice or did Existence plan it for You? Did Existence think that you were the only person who could save humanity?

Beloved Master,

Your discourse this morning was just amazing! You have such a vast context. Can You please speak about Your role in this place? Was it Your choice or did Existence plan it for You? Did Existence think that you were the only person who could save humanity?

There is a time that will come when there will be no difference between you and Existence. It is not that I planned for myself to come here or Existence did. There is no difference between Existence and I; there is only a merging, a deep merging. It is like this: do you see this handkerchief? There are so many threads coming out of this one piece of cloth. It is not that the threads and the handkerchief are different. The threads are part of the whole handkerchief. They are both one and the same.

In the same way, so many masters have happened on planet Earth. We all think that they are different from each other. Actually, they are part of the same Whole. They are all part of the same cosmic oneness. There are so many threads,but they are from the same thing, the same source. There is no difference between Existence and I. Every master who has happened on planet Earth is pure Existence descended once more in human form. It is not that I am the only person so far who has tried to save humanity. So many masters have come; each with a different technique for awakening. But somehow, we have simply escaped from them. We have survived them; we have survived even Buddha! This will not happen again! Be very clear: I will not let this happen! You will not be able to escape this time. You will be awakened! Actually, there are so many awakened ones already. We are just not able to recognize them. It is not that each one has come with a mission. Some of them live happily in society. There are three types of enlightened people: The first type is mystics. They are ones who are realized but have not necessarily come down with a mission. They live happily with themselves. It doesn’t mean that they have to live in some secluded cave in the Himalayas. They might as well be your next door neighbor. You never know!

The second type is Masters. They are the ones who have realized and have a mission as well. They go around carrying their message to awaken humanity. They are very much like scientists, except that they are of the inner world. A scientist is one who creates a formula to recreate the same experience which happened to him in the outer world for others to experience. A Master is one who creates a formula to recreate the same experience which happened to him in the inner world for others to experience. The third type is avatars – incarnations. He is above the other two. In fact, avatars are the first two and something more. They do live happily with themselves. They do have a mission. The only difference is that they can put you into the experience straightaway without any formula. All that you need to do is approach them with a deep receptive mood. In fact, even if you don’t have this receptive mood, he will ensure that the experience happens within you. He will not allow you to escape. Understand: once you have stepped inside, you will not be able to go out. The process has already started. Even if you leave me, the process will continue without stopping. With or without your knowledge, your transformation will go on. You will be transformed! You will be awakened!

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